About Us

Synergize (v) = to combine or work together to be more effective

In other words, a whole is greater than sum of its parts. We want to create better value by working together with multiple stakeholders in the Industry. Partnerships are at the core of everything we do at Synergize Solar. In fact, there’s so much Synergy that can be created without having to reinvent the wheel and we want to get this to work in the realm of Clean Energy and Sustainable Development.

Our Vision


Leverage Technology to accelerate adoption of sustainable lifestyle solutions.

In fact everything we do, right from day one, is aligned directly with one of the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) :

Our Values

A bunch of friends doing a project back in college, a DIY Engineer mastering carpentry and electricals for fun, a young businessman trying to find his calling – we’ve all come a long way. Everyone here at Synergize Solar, has got the key three ingredients to make a difference, and these are the values we’ve built our brand on :


The curiosity to know more, to question the status quo and to keep assimilating all the knowledge that we could.


The ability to take the plunge & make a difference. It calls for belief, trust, confidence and strength to do so.


Our constant yearning to be the best at what we do and to inspire others to follow suit.

Our Team!